Suffering a head injury on the job in California can be devastating to your life and career. It could wind up being serious enough that you find yourself no longer able to work. Or, you could require a lengthy period of rehabilitation before returning to your job. Either way, you need to avoid suffering such an accident and injury. Here are the common causes of head injuries on the job.
A fall from heights is one of the most common causes of head injuries on the job. Whether you work in a warehouse, on scaffolding or on ladders most of the day, you need to be as safe as possible to avoid injuring your head in a fall. Wearing a hard hat can help reduce injury chances as well.
Walking into stationary objects is another common cause of head injuries on the job in San Diego. You should pay close attention to where you are walking while at work. If the area is poorly lighted, you should notify management so it can be rectified immediately.
Head injuries are also commonly caused by falling objects. This is most common on a construction site due to demolition, debris or another employee simply dropping a tool or piece of construction material. Always wear your hard hat and be on the lookout for dangerous situations.
When you suffer a head injury at work, you will want to do everything in your power to ensure proper compensation for medical expenses and lost wages. Protect your rights immediately by seeking medical treatment and speaking with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney.